How to Make Stress your Best Friend - An Informative Speech
INFORMATIVE SPEECH Topic: Stress Management through mindset intervention General Purpose: To Inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about stress and mindset intervention Central Idea: Accepting stress-related beliefs and positively transforming them through mindset intervention Title: Stress can be your Best Friend How many of you think college is stressful? Sounds like most of you agree with the idea that college entails a lot of stress. If you have experienced stress, then I am sure that you have also come up with a solution that works for you all the time? Oh.. so most of you actually haven’t .. And for those of you who do, you probably thought about meditation, yoga, art, and the like… but let’s get real… are these magic tricks that work all the time? I don’t think so. That’s why I want to tell you about a technique that will work 100% of the time! And I will let you in on a little secret -this skill has been hiding inside you this who...