Sample Work

The Magic of Friendship

Alone I can say but together we can chat,
Alone I can smile but together we can laugh,
Alone I can survive but together we can live
This is the magic of friendship

If you are angry with your lovable friend,
You can just hug each other and say:
I need you idiot to fight with me!
This is the magic of friendship

Life changes with days from classrooms to company,
From funky to formal, and pocket money to pay,
But friends remain the same, never change
This is the magic of friendship

Some relations are tied by god,
Some relations we chose ourselves,
But friends make relations despite being no one,
This is the magic of friendship

-Sanjana Butala
From the book Knots and Ties  

Happy Friendship Day to all my readers!!!

This poem has been copyrighted. Please do not copy or use without authors permission.

I Wish...
I wish I could tell you how every time you speak The sound of your voice makes me smile And How every time you drop me home I wish we could go on for another mile I wish I could show you how the way you look into my eyes Keeps giving me butterflies I wish I could tell you how the way you kiss me when we are all alone Makes me wanna stay with you and Never go back home I wish I could explain why my eyes never leave your back I wish I could make you understand how you have everything I lack I wish I could show you all the gaps you have filled And how you are my best wish that has ever been fulfilled I wish I could tell you how much I want to hold your hand tightly right now I wish I could tell how much I love you if you only would allow I wish I could tell you how I feel each time When accidentally your hand brushes mine I wish I could show you all the bruises that you have healed And how your hugs got these wounds sealed I wish I could make you hear my heart beat And make you feel the way I feel with you - perfect and complete

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It's difficult to put my feelings into words Especially when I know they will mostly go unheard The people who will read them will pitifully sigh And yet they will go unnoticed past your eye I will search frantically among a soup of letters to find the right combination Yet only those who know me well will be able to feel the emotion You too might see it, read it and laugh at my madness Just like those fellas who know nothing of sadness Even as you read another of these messages that I so hopefully write I wish and pray that someday you realize I am your Ms. Right While I hold you so warmly, close to my heart You will always keep me, in thoughts and words, far apart

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There is something special about this wait
I know you will not come back yet I wait
I wait because I know
That the longer I wait
The longer you will feel guilty
Guilty of hurting me
Guilty of trying my love
Guilty of breaking my heart
This bleeding heart do I hold before you
It doesn't beat as it should
But if it does it beats only for you
I know not when you will know
That my wait is not because
I lack love and happiness
But because I want those feelings to accompany an emotion of togetherness
Togetherness with you
Below the skies
Lying on the green grass
Holding your hand
Humming your favorite tune
And looking at each other as if we have never know another soul
And then you will smile
Smile and Pierce my heart
I will blush and the redness of my cheeks will soon belong to you
Through that one touch
I know as you read along that tinge of red has begun to reach your cheeks
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All the letters you left behind

All the letters you left behind,
Still smell of you and your wine
They read the words that you never spoke
And talk about things you never told
You left yet left those secrets with me
As if to say come read my story
And of all the days I wished I'd not seen this fate
I found them on your birthday date
I knew I had to open them once
And see what I had left untouched
With hands of ice and heart of warmth
I opened them on that Tuesday morn
Each letter as if was a new chapter seen
I felt in your life I had never been
How could a person hide so much
Behind a smile behind each touch
Had you said cancer I would have forgiven
But it was far worse a sin to be forgotten
You watched me break, down on earth
In heavens you heard every cry of hurt
How disgraceful can a person be
To hide his sins under veils of sanity
And then die a suicidal death
Leaving someone so bereft
If only you had told me once
Dear I am your mother not your nurse
I would have hidden every word in my mind
That I had read in those letters you left behind

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Cry for Help
Every time I hurt 
I let my emotions flow
But there was no one to hear
So words became my companion
In the dark of the night
When my eyes were red and sore with tears
And everyone in the city 
Was asleep with their fears
I let mine run on paper
My deepest fears and my darkest desires
I wrote them all on ink and paper
To the last word
I vented myself
Maybe because no one chose to listen to me
Or maybe because I was too busy listening to others and solving their issues

That I chose to not have heard my own cry for help
- Sanjana Butala

Have you ever felt trapped in your own body
As if you were not the person you were meant to be
As If you are the person they asked you to be
Restrictions and requirements
No one let you fly
No one let you be the person you are
But why?
Why did your own self hide from you?
Maybe you let them
Maybe you let them overpower you
And you let them hide the true you
Maybe if was for your mom's pride
Or to be your dad's replacement
Or maybe just because you had to show the world that you could stand strong in the face of misery
But you let circumstances mould you into the person you are today
You are not who stands before them
You are the little girl who wanted to be a princess
And the lady who wishes to be a queen
You are the girl who wanted to buy every dress in that store
And the woman who wanted every piece of gold in this world to have touched her body
You had big dreams for yourself
You always have 
Let them become true for once
Break those shackles
Let yourself free
You don't yet know what you could truly be
- Sanjana Butala 

The Only Thing You Chose to Do
I told you to stay away
And of all the things that I told you
This is the one thing you chose to do
You turned your back and walked away
It was my fault
I shouldn't have asked you to stay 
In the first place
I knew we had no future
That distance was a hurdle
And love...well that had never existed
Yet I tried
Hoping that someday you will like me
As I like you
Yet all you stayed was a friend
A friend who responded to the stories on my gram
And wished me at 12am
And complimented me for everything
Who never ignored me
Never ended a conversation 
Was that not love?
That was not just friendship for sure
I know what friends are like
And did much better than them
Or was it my fault
That I never made friends as good as you
That never knowing what friendship truly was
Mistook your friendship for love
And so I asked you to walk away
Knowing not that you would never return
Because of all the things I told you 
This is the only thing you chose to do
- Sanjana Butala


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