College v/s Trade School v/s Working after High School

For today's post, I thought I would approach the long-debated topic on the choice about whether to take up college, dive into workforce or opt for trade school. Many students struggle with this choice and I thought I could offer some advice, based on my point of view.

Young adults choose to work instead of completing their college education for several reasons. Often this decision stems from a lack of finances. College education is indeed expensive and even if they get a full ride scholarship, students still have to bear living expenses. Not everyone can afford a higher education. College debt is a huge paranoia among students and a very huge monetary responsibility that not everyone is willing to take. Working after high school saves not just the money they may spend on college but also helps them generate additional revenue to secure their futures. In today’s world, a college degree is not any more a guarantee of receiving a job than a high school diploma. By starting right out of high school, they have the security of a steady job and chances of growth earlier in their life. In addition, entering the workplace helps garner professional expertise in the long run. Such people may end up having a better experience and reputation in the field than a newcomer having a college education. Students may prioritize earning money and investing it rightfully over spending it on a college education. Moreover, some parents expect students to be financially independent after high school and refuse to support their expenses. In such situations, students may find it difficult to bear the burden of college. Sometimes, students themselves may desire financial independence the very day they leave high school. In other cases, certain young adults may choose to take such a path having gotten tired of schooling.

Another common reason for skipping college could be the confusion over careers. Students are often confused of what majors they should pursue and are not resolute about what career may suit them. They fear not liking the degree they may pursue in college. Working a full time job in different fields may help them decide what exactly they want to do in their future. Such people leave school with the intention of gaining experience and returning to college to complete their education. However, once a person ends up in a working career, he/she may no longer wish to give up his/her job. Seeing college expenses replacing pay checks in your bank account takes a lot of bravery and not everyone is ready for that change. Once you begin to earn money, you no longer want to spend as much.

People may also keep putting off their schooling in the fear that they will have to deal with books, examinations and memorization. During the later years of their life, students may have families to look after and more important responsibilities to take care of. This makes the decision to resume college even more difficult. Age barriers between new high school students and students returning to college after years of work can embarrass the latter, discouraging them from taking up their education. College debt may still overpower such people and paying it off in the latter half of their lives can be a very challenging task. College education needs time and effort and devoting both along with a job can be very tough. All these drawbacks often discourage students from returning to a college education and make them second-guess their choices. In the end, it is for them to decide if college is really worth the effort.

Investment vs ROI of Higher Education.
Higher education costs are one of the highest in the nation but people still continue to invest in these expenses with the hope of a better future. College prices continue to touch the skies but the advantages of having a college degree make the expense worth it.  One of the best returns of investing in a good quality college education is the high possibility of increased salaries and ability to make more money. Students with a college degree go on to earn a lot more than students with only a high school diploma. Students with a college education are preferred by employers which increase their chances of getting a job and are a security against unemployment. Higher education offers the promise of employment and that is what drives most people to invest in a degree. In addition, jobs that need a college education usually come with greater benefits including retirement plans, health insurance, and several other attractive perks, available only to those having access to this education.

College education is definitely a worthwhile down payment for a financially stable future to lock down a student’s success. However, what cannot be overlooked are the intangible skills that college education teaches a student. The time students spend at college also shapes their overall personality and improves their time management and organisational skills. It helps an excellent opportunity for students to network and build connections at an early stage in life. These skills prove to be very useful in getting jobs and sustaining in their respective workplaces. While in college, students often major in subjects they are passionate about. After college, these students tend to work in a similar field which contributes to job satisfaction and contentment. When such students become parents, their children have better access to opportunities, healthcare and higher standard of living and they encourage their children to earn a college education. Such students end up passing on these benefits to their posterity, developing their families and affecting several generations ahead of them and promising them a better future.

Investment vs ROI in Trade School
Technical trade schools have an advantage over college education in terms of time. The average trade school degree is about two years while a bachelors’ degree is about four years. This is mainly because college education often comprises general education classes that are not completely related to the major. This is unlike classes in trade school that are very focused to the career field. In addition, the cost of a trade school education is much less than a college education and seems to be a more affordable option. However, in terms of pay, trade school graduates lack behind and have much less earning potential than college graduates. College graduates can go on to pursue a masters or post-graduate degree and earn even more. In contrast, trade school graduates do not have as many opportunities to boost their education. With an increase in labour jobs moving towards less developed countries, employment opportunities have reduced in some sectors of technical trades. Job security for these graduates has hence decreased in comparison to college graduates.

Furthermore, trade jobs do not offer the same promises and perks as the jobs that college graduates are eligible for. The jobs that trade school graduates take up are often laborious jobs that need a lot more effort and hard work. These jobs are not always white collar jobs and reputable. The skills that college students garner through their four year education are much more valuable and varied than the ones students learn in trade school. Additionally, the impact of college education surpasses the student’s own life and positively influences his family and further generations. Trade school graduates cannot give the same facilities to their children and the trend of graduating from a vocational school may continue in their families. In conclusion, the investment for trade school may be lesser than college education but so is the return.

What do you believe is the right choice? Let me know in the comments below!

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