COVID 19 - Infected Many or Affected More?

The COVID-19 virus has been one of the greatest terrors humanity has faced in a long while. It has got everyone frightened including me. The rate at which it is spreading is very alarming and the media doesn't do a very good job of shielding our fears either. Everything that I have been hearing about Italy, Iran, Spain and other countries is terrifying and I hope that all the precautionary measures that our nation is taking will prevent us from reaching that stage. I have been keeping myself updated with the news regularly and the cases are increasing day by day. The virus has infected many but has affected several more.
The closures of schools, libraries, colleges, suggestive curfews are all very limiting. I understand their necessity but it prevents us from engaging in  a number of regular activities. The quarantine and spread of this virus have restricted us from enjoying the sunny weather and spending time with our friends and family. I am certainly enjoying the online class procedure from the comfort of my home and this experience has encouraged me to consider online classes as an alternative for the sake of convenience, yet I do miss meeting my friends at college and interacting with my professors and co-workers.
However, I feel that this virus has also promoted a number of positive changes in human behavior. The virus has exemplified the importance of sanitation and cleanliness in ways we couldn't have imagined. While people are definitely hoarding supplies like the world is going to end, at least they made the attempt to bring these supplies home and make use of them.  This pandemic has changed perspectives for so many of us. While we can't go out, spending time at home has forced us to use our creative minds to do things beyond the use of electronic gadgets. Some of the people I am in contact with tell me that now they have started taking jogs in their communities or exercising. Some of them have finally watched that movie they have been wanting to watch for so long or made that scrapbook they had been putting off for years. Families that were often away from each other due to working parents and school-going kids, are now able to be together and realize what it means to have dinner on one table looking each other in the eye and having a wholesome conversation. Everybody, having no better suggestions, has started to indulge in activities that someone else likes rather than what they would have like. Every person is taking that extra stride for someone else, rather than always letting their world revolve only around them. I strongly feel that despite its widespread mayhem, COVID 19 has been a blessing in disguise for all of us. It was a wake up call for all of humanity. I  cannot reject the fact that COVID-19 has been a terror for all of us and that the havoc it has wrecked overpowers any of its positive consequences. Yet I firmly believe that we must not overlook the numerous optimistic patterns that this virus has encouraged. I just feel that at a time like this, we all need to conquer our fears and make the most of our situations. Patience is necessary not panic. 
There have been vaccines implemented in some countries that have successfully cured patients affected. Countries that were severely affected are now recovering. Stores are being reopened. Hospitals are discharging patients. Recovery is possible and this is not the end of the world. From what I understand about this virus and the illness it causes, it  primarily affects aged and elderly people or people with vulnerabilities, former health conditions or weak immune systems. With the proper precautions, there is a high chance a greater part of the population will be perfectly fine. However, I do think that it is still important for every single individual to execute appropriate measures to ensure good health. The virus may not affect a healthy individual but such an individual might act as a silent carrier and infect a person with weak health. Regardless of how strong we feel we are, we should undertake these precautions for humanity as a whole.  I feel that now is a time for all of us to come together and not just keep ourselves safe but also take care of the ones around us.

Has the virus affected you or infected you? Let me know in the comments below!
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Until then....signing off!


  1. Hi this is Tanisha, the virus has affected me. Not going out is very annoying and very boring! but we must pull through and hopefully this virus will go😊

    P.S. I think that Sanjana is a very good blogger!

    1. Thank you very much Tanisha. That is very sweet of you. Take care. Enjoy your time at home.


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