A Silver Lining : COVID - 19

COVID 19 has not been the best situation for the world and it has definitely affected everything - from economy and globalization on the large scale to our own personal and professional lives. However, amidst all the dilemma and delusion, it wouldn't be wrong to say that the circumstances have made us all realise that there is in all reality something larger than us humans, something that has the power to control all our lives, something that can override the greatest of man's advancement in science and technology.

Everyone may have different religious beliefs and some may just call it is the power of nature. However, whatever it may be labelled, the important point is that this power does exist and today, I feel it has manifested itself to prove its existence to humanity. It has brought everyone down to their knees. One single microbe had the potential to shut the whole world down and not even the greatest minds on earth could do anything to bring an end to this global pandemic. If there is anyone up there watching and controlling the world, they are probably laughing at the state humanity is in, but the truth is that we have brought it upon ourselves. The world after this will no longer be the same. Be it greater concerns for sanitation and hygiene, avoiding too much travel and social interaction or even staying more at home to save our own families - the world that will remain after the pandemic will be a phoenix rising from the ashes of a depressed, abused planet and I think this is the greatest silver lining in the situation - finally being able to comprehend the realization that what we are doing to the world, to nature and to the planet is not going in the right direction.  That to me is the silver lining of the whole situation surrounding COVID  - the dawn of the realization that humanity needs to mend their ways and work towards a sustainable living and peaceful cohabitation on a planet that nurtures and nourishes humanity. 

What do you think is the silver lining in this situation? Let me know in the comments below!

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Until then....signing off!



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