Thirteen - A Review (No Spoilers)

I recently watched a mini TV series called Thirteen on Amazon Prime Video and I thought that it would be a great idea to share my opinions about the show with my readers.

Don't worry! I won't be giving any spoilers! It is a crime thriller and what would the fun be if I spilled all the beans!

The 5-episode series is basically about a 26-year old girl name Ivy Moxam who returns to her family after 13 long years. She had been kidnapped and no one had heard of her since 2003. The show follows the journey to find her kidnapper and as more and more details are revealed, the audience is forced to question what kind of a relationship Ivy had with her kidnapper.

The show stars Jodie Comer as Ivy Moxam, Valene Kane as D.S. Lisa Merchant and
Richard Rankin as D.I. Elliott Carne and was created by Marnie Dickens. The show was directed initially by Vanessa Caswill up to episode 3, after which China Moo-Young took over.

I think the most laudable aspect of the show was Comer's performance. Her depiction of a girl kept away from the world for 13 years, excites you and intimidates you at the same time. She does justice to her role and plays her part exceptionally well. Comer's manifestation of her mental trauma on her physical actions and external reality digs deep into the realms of abuse during a kidnapping.

The show also managed to conjure realism in the victim's reproduction of her suffering. The gaps in her memory and inability to recall details may seem suspicious at first but it also feels highly realistic and creates a sensitive atmosphere.

The story is compelling and holds your attention. It's a quick watch but keeps you keen on knowing what's next. Every episode ends on a cliffhanger and you can't be hold yourself back from watching the next one.

However, I think the end was perhaps the most disappointing. I felt that it was very abrupt and they could have built up the climax scene to be a bit more intense and thrilling. Some parts of the suspense seemed slightly cliche and we could easily suspect what might have happened.

Here is a link to the exact show on Prime:

Thirteen | Amazon Prime

Watch the Trailer Below:

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