My Role Model

Having talked about my desire to become a doctor in the previous post, I decided that it was time that I introduce my readers to one of the most important people in mu life - my mother. My choice of career is not the direct result of any role model, but my decision to have a strong career certainly has been influenced by one person whom I love and admire the most in the world –my dear mother. Most people say that one should follow the footsteps of our role models, but in my mother’s case it is quite the opposite. I have learnt more from her follies than otherwise. After my parent’s divorce, my mother single-handedly brought up me and my younger brother. When she was in her twenties, she made the mistake of putting her family and marriage over her career, and that cost her, her entire life. My mother was a very intelligent woman even in her young age and she knew very well that sacrificing her career for marriage was not the right choice. However, under the pressure of family, she yielded and for that she suffered throughout her life. Her husband neither acknowledged the efforts she put in the house and her children nor did he let her study any further. After the divorce, and throughout the process, she always carried the guilt of not being able to fully provide for her children, because she could not earn enough owing to her low education. She was always dependent on others to pay some parts of her bills and had to live a life accountable to others, simply because she did not have a strong education to back her. Her confidence in herself and her conviction in her capacities shattered and that has broken her from within. I have seen her through all this and how that one mistake changed her life completely.

Having seen the trouble my mother went through, somewhere deep inside me, I no longer want to be dependent on anyone—not my parents and certainly not my husband in the future. I want to develop a career for myself, because my experiences in all these years have taught me one thing—in the end, only your career speaks for you; not your family, not your friends, and definitely no one else in this whole world. Values and virtues are worth well in books and movies. In the real world, people judge you more by your education than by the choices you make or the sacrifices you do. What you study today, you will always carry and the world will know you by that. Your education will walk with you to the grave, if not further, and will stay beside even if everybody walks away.

Who is your role model? Let me know in the comments below!

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Until then... signing off!



  1. Hi this is Tanisha again, my role model is my sister. She is very soft on me and I can tell her ANYTHING!!


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