
Showing posts from February, 2020

Music, Mood, Memory and the Mind

Music means a lot to me and today I felt that I should share why I think music is important in everyone's life. Here's presenting a research essay on the effect of music on mood, memory and the mind.  Music, Mood, Memory and the Mind Music is a very important part of human life. Philosophers may define music in the sound of a baby’s cry or the shrill sound of a woodpecker, yet that does not limit this exceptional form of art. The definition of music is subject to different interpretations. The common man associates music with entertainment whereas scientists associate music with phenomena. These phenomena rang from the Mozart Effect, which emphasizes how listening to Mozart’s music before performing a task can enhance problem-solving abilities, to ‘Musical Skin Orgasms’ which involves the occurrence of horripilation on hearing certain kinds of music. These varied understandings of such a fine form of art bring up the conclusion that the effect of music is as limited

An Opinion

Many of us are in one of the best years of our life—teenage—sporty, bubbling and full of life. And incidentally this is also one of the most crucial years of our life—a time for developing our own identity and dispositions. Yet one thing that is common in all the teenagers is the desire to belong to peer groups, the desire to be included in the popular groups of school, college, classes, or anywhere else, the burning desire to simply not reveal or revel in our own individualitie I am very sure that if we go around asking teenagers like us what their views are on fitting in with the crowd. Many will reply that they want to fit in, be like the popular kids, or go with the flow. If you ask people why they hang out where they do, common responses are that friends hang out there, or that it is a popular place. Why do people wear what they wear? Typical replies are that the clothes are in style, or that the popular kids wear them. In fact, I feel this want for blending in does no go aw

Its Valentines' Week!!!!! ❤️❤️

February 14 is right around the corner and I can feel the love in the air! How many of you wait for this one day in the whole year to celebrate with that someone special? And how many of you hate love and feel that every person who cherishes it is stupid? I am sure that every person falls in either of these categories. Cheers to all the lovers and all the haters out there because today I am going to tell each one of you a little secret! February is the month of love and the week before and after Valentine's Day are all celebrated as something different. There's the hate days and the love days - there is something in store for everyone. Here is the complete list of days. So start celebrating today!💓💓💓💓💓 7 February - Rose Day 8 February - Propose Day 9 February - Chocolate Day 10 February - Teddy Day 11 February - Promise Day 12 February - Hug Day 13 February - Kiss Day 14 February - VALENTINE’S DAY!!  ❤️ 15 February - Slap Day 16 February - Kick Day 17

Jacques Derrida Talks about Love

I have talked about Bollywood and cliches in some of my previous posts, yet I have not talked much about love. Valentines' Day is right around the corner and love is in the air!  I recently came across a video where a man talks about his ideologies about love. I agree with some part and disagree with others. Yet, I though I would share my opinions about his video and perspective on this topic Here is the video if you would like to watch it: Love is an inanimate and abstract concept and has been a topic of interest and conflict for philosophers around the world for centuries. The reasons for such discrepancies and difficulties are quite obvious. There is neither any one way to describe love nor is there any one aspect to address. Love is a very vast idea that involves depth, analysis and perspective. Throughout the video, Derrida finds it difficult to talk about love in an indiscriminate manner. He believes that he is not “capable of talking in generalities about lo

Grammar and High School

I am a writer and fortunately, I have never struggled much in this field. I was always a top scorer in language papers and my essays were the best. Yet, I have seen some of my fellow classmates struggle to speak English or write a letter. I don't know whether this was the effect of disinterest in the subject or lack of knowledge, but I firmly believe that ignorance about grammar also has its part to play. So for this post, I decided to express my views on the importance of grammar in the high school curriculum and why I feel that this is a subject that should be a mandate in every school system in the world. Grammar is a subject involving rules of syntax, pronunciation, and structure of language. By teaching students to abide by regulations during their speech, it helps students learn to inherently discipline themselves. Grammar also helps improve student’s oral, verbal, written and aural skills. It will help students feel good about their selves and will open students to a w

College v/s Trade School v/s Working after High School

For today's post, I thought I would approach the long-debated topic on the choice about whether to take up college, dive into workforce or opt for trade school. Many students struggle with this choice and I thought I could offer some advice, based on my point of view. Young adults choose to work instead of completing their college education for several reasons. Often this decision stems from a lack of finances. College education is indeed expensive and even if they get a full ride scholarship, students still have to bear living expenses. Not everyone can afford a higher education. College debt is a huge paranoia among students and a very huge monetary responsibility that not everyone is willing to take. Working after high school saves not just the money they may spend on college but also helps them generate additional revenue to secure their futures. In today’s world, a college degree is not any more a guarantee of receiving a job than a high school diploma. By starting right ou

My Role Model

Having talked about my desire to become a doctor in the previous post, I decided that it was time that I introduce my readers to one of the most important people in mu life - my mother. My choice of career is not the direct result of any role model, but my decision to have a strong career certainly has been influenced by one person whom I love and admire the most in the world –my dear mother. Most people say that one should follow the footsteps of our role models, but in my mother’s case it is quite the opposite. I have learnt more from her follies than otherwise. After my parent’s divorce, my mother single-handedly brought up me and my younger brother. When she was in her twenties, she made the mistake of putting her family and marriage over her career, and that cost her, her entire life. My mother was a very intelligent woman even in her young age and she knew very well that sacrificing her career for marriage was not the right choice. However, under the pressure of family, she yiel

What Would You Want to Become When You Grow Up?

The eternal question we all have been asked at some point in my life. So for this post, I decided to talk about the answer I have always had as a child, and even today as an adult. My last post talked about the importance of Kathak in my life. However, in this post I want to talk about one other aspect that has given my life direction - my true choice of profession. Kathak is my passion... but medicine my profession. The first time I talked about my ambition in life was when I was a preschooler. My mother tells me that it was a small interview conducted in my preschool at YMCA, (Edison, NJ) for the school yearbook. My mother had no idea about any of this until the yearbook itself came into her hands and she read out what her little tot had written—‘I want to be a doctor.’ I was just four years old then and I do not remember anything in particular that might have sparked a deep-rooted inclination to pursue medicine as a profession. My father was an engineer and my mother had e

Two Lessons Everyone Should Learn

I have been thinking a lot about what everyone learns as they grow up to become adults. I am in my last year of teens and time again I keep feeling that there are two lessons that I wish I would have learned early. It's important to learn everything at the right time. Its important to study before an exam. Just like you need career skills and education to get that job - skills that you developed for so many years. But what about marriage and money? These are two skills that everybody avoids. They want to learn it when they get to it. They want to give the exam without prior preparation. Failed relationships and mismanaged money can be the best teacher and best inspiration for u to do better. But that doesn't mean you accomplish these milestones when half of your life has finished. Just like academics,you need to make these mistakes and get over them when you are young. Fall in love, find that sweetheart, get that credit card spend that money. Make those mistakes, learn from th